One-to-One Coaching & Team Training

You know your mission is to serve, but how do you get heard?
Coaching you to craft your story, gain authority & build a sustainable brand.

If you want to learn to articulate your message, create content and secure coverage. We can help you to get featured in the media; press, on TV, Radio and online.

Media Coaching, Digital & Social Media Training Sessions, Story-telling workshops, and DIY PR.

Boost your impact, connect with media opportunities, and discover how to create content that resonates.

We help you use the power of the media online and offline to secure your brand’s future and to improve your reach way beyond the social media scroll.

Promote, reach your desired audience, and create evergreen content.

How to work with us?

One-to-One Coaching & Support

Implement, build and grow.

We select a few clients to work with on a one-to-one basis to hold your hand every step of the way as well as connect you to the right people in the media industry. We help you create content that resonates and doesn’t get lost online but it goes way beyond the scroll and on to other platforms.

Let’s boost your mind, business, and media.

Bespoke packages available. 

PR Power Hour

Discover, Plan and Prepare. 

Work with an expert in a focused session to identify your objectives and create an action plan that will deliver the media coverage your business and brand need for success.

We will work together to gain insight, strategies, and I will show you how to navigate your way into the press and create cross-platform content.

Save money on ineffective ads and make a real impact.

Discovery call, 15 minutes: FREE

PR Power Hour video/phone call: £150

Block of three PR Power Hour sessions: £300

Membership Group & Community

Boss your Brand personality and sparkle in the media. Media opportunities to gain free coverage, PR tips, expert videos, weekly challenges to ensure growth, and a connected community of entrepreneurs all on a mission to build their empire with maximum impact, in minimal time, whilst ensuring their future as a leader.

£30 p/m
(launch offer will stay at same price for those who pay in launch month)

Online and in-person Workshops

Delivering media, digital, PR, influencer marketing, and social media training for you and your team.

Half-day and Full-day training available.

Join Us Now!

Why Us?

You know media coverage could transform your brand, far beyond a simple advert. But it can feel daunting and overwhelming.

One of our experts Sophie Mei Lan, said: “I have been in your shoes. Until I began creating my own content online which led to me working for mainstream media.

“I use my 15 years of journalistic experience and 10 years as a content creator to help you to achieve your goals.

“I understand the struggle you feel but will support you to show up because your voice needs to be heard by those you desire to serve.”

What do we offer?

  • One-to-One Media coaching to support your media, PR, and brand goals.
  • A mastermind community of blossoming brands: Build your network, learn DIY PR secrets, and be part of this accountability group to share challenges, wins, and discover media opportunities.
  • Online courses on demand on specific skills, such as; YouTube, Blogging, Pitching, Presenting & Speaking.
  • PR & Content Creation services: Press Release & Blog Writing services, and Social Media marketing from my team and I.

How does it all work?

We work with YOU, to empower YOU to share YOUR story.

We work together to discover, curate and articulate your message across platforms.

But why us?

Our team work within the media industry across a variety of platforms. We have a deep insight into the changing media landscape.

We tailor our approach to suit your needs. You deserve to be seen, you deserve to be heard and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

For How-To Courses, Coaching & Tips…

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